Chemical composition of the onion and its benefits for our organism
The onion as the queen of the vegetables for its culinary versatility and intense flavor, but in addition to its culinary properties, the nutritional and even medicinal properties of the onion make it a highly recommended food.
The best way to take advantage of the benefits of onion is to consume it raw, since, as with many foods, high temperatures destroy part of its components.
It has been used as a medicinal plant and is considered a natural antibiotic, fighting infections, bacteria, respiratory and skin diseases.
For its large number of phytochemicals, help the proper functioning of the liver, pancreas and gallbladder, improving digestive activity.
For its large number of phytochemicals, help the proper functioning of the liver, pancreas and gallbladder, improving digestive activity.
Due to its content in oligosaccharides and flavonoids, known as protectors of cardiovascular diseases as well as anticoagulants, they are used to prevent strokes, thrombosis, heart disease and other pathologies affecting the heart and blood vessels.
Its content in sulfides eliminates heavy metals and helps improve the metabolism of proteins and amino acids.
Its content in sulfides eliminates heavy metals and helps improve the metabolism of proteins and amino acids.
Glutamic acid: It is one of the most abundant amino acids in the body and the most common neurotransmitter in the central nervous system, mediated by the stimulation of specific receptors called glutamate receptors. It helps the production of hydrochloric acid, controls the levels of ammonia in the brain. It intervenes specifically in the use of glucose by brain cells.
Tryptophan: It is one of the essential amino acids of the human diet. As we have said in other occasions, the essential amino acids must be supplied with the diet, since they are not created by our organism.
It is the metabolic precursor (substance necessary to produce another) of melatonin, niacin and serotonin; The latter is known as the happiness hormone because it can help reduce anxiety and even depression.
Tryptophan needs other elements such as glucose, magnesium, potassium or vitamin B, among others, to carry out its function as a precursor in an adequate manner; so always recommended a varied diet that we provide all the necessary elements for the proper functioning of our body. It also plays a very important role in the structure and function of proteins.
Valine: They are among the 9 essential amino acids, so called because they are the only ones that the body can not manufacture by itself. Promotes the formation of muscle tissue, reparative action in fractures, bruises and wounds, prevents the degeneration of the liver and gallbladder.
Arginine: It is an essential amino acid involved in many of the activities of the endocrine glands.
The synthesis of Creatine and precursor of nitric oxide, which has vasodilator functions, improving blood circulation and increasing watering throughout our body, which in turn helps to heal wounds better.
Reduce the levels of body fat and facilitate the recovery of athletes thanks to the effects it has to remove ammonia (muscle waste resulting from anaerobic exercise) of the muscles.
Tyrosine: It is an essential non-essential amino acid and important for metabolism and for our mood, since it is a precursor of dopamine and adrenaline.
Proline: It is a non-essential amino acid that is involved in the production of collagen, a protein molecule that is present in the composition of bones, skin, ligaments, cartilage and tendons.
It works with vitamin C for the maintenance of the connective tissues, which function as a support for the organism, founding the material support of the body.
Alanine: It is an amino acid not essential for human beings but it is of great importance. Used as a source of energy for the brain, nervous system and muscles.
The synthesis of Creatine and precursor of nitric oxide, which has vasodilator functions, improving blood circulation and increasing watering throughout our body, which in turn helps to heal wounds better.
Reduce the levels of body fat and facilitate the recovery of athletes thanks to the effects it has to remove ammonia (muscle waste resulting from anaerobic exercise) of the muscles.
Tyrosine: It is an essential non-essential amino acid and important for metabolism and for our mood, since it is a precursor of dopamine and adrenaline.
Proline: It is a non-essential amino acid that is involved in the production of collagen, a protein molecule that is present in the composition of bones, skin, ligaments, cartilage and tendons.
It works with vitamin C for the maintenance of the connective tissues, which function as a support for the organism, founding the material support of the body.
Alanine: It is an amino acid not essential for human beings but it is of great importance. Used as a source of energy for the brain, nervous system and muscles.