
The properties of honey ingest

foto con cucharada de miel

Its consumption has always been described as something natural and very beneficial for man. If we stop to reflect on its composition and properties, we see it:

Created by bees, using the pollen of various plants, with medicinal properties, honey is undoubtedly the art of combining wisdom with perseverance (for the effort they have to make), since they need at least a million trips of the bee, to achieve a kilo of honey.

Panal de miel de abeja

The combination of different pollens and non-fermentation, make honey the natural product par excellence magical, because it has a thousand and one utilities.

Its main components are fructose and glucose, as well as vitamins, minerals, and trace elements, so it serves as food for man as a sweetener and as an energizer.

Properties in medicine are many, ranging from the use in the diet to balance the digestive system, as a laxative, to use as an antiseptic for gastric lesions of ulcerous prevents esophageal reflux, and stimulates intestinal peristalsis.

miel con limón
At the respiratory level, it has always been used as an expectorant and antiseptic: Who has not prepared a honey with lemon, for a cold ?, but also, the use as an antibiotic dates back centuries; before appearing the antimicrobial was used for this purpose, then replaced by them, to now re-use it, because we know that the human body has made resistance to them, but honey, with its properties, has not yet been tested resistance in the man against the bacteria, therefore it is used to cover wounds, ulcers, burns, and its absorption power is so wide, that the transudation of the skin disappears in the lesions.

En nuestro sistema de defensa actúa como un inmunomodulador natural, elevando la respuesta  inmune de nuestro organismo. Además ayuda a elevar la concentración y mejora el estado de insomnio, así como, el estado anímico en general.

In our defense system it acts as a natural immunomodulator, raising the immune response of our body. It also helps increase concentration and improves the condition of insomnia, and the mood in general.

It is a diuretic par excellence, and its consumption can help us in menstrual regulation, as well as, helping to fix the calcium that is so necessary in its daily contribution, mainly in menopausal age, due to hormonal deficit, and in convalescent, post-surgical conditions

miel de abeja con canela

It has been encouraged that a spoonful of honey with cinnamon at breakfast is an alternative medicine that counteracts many diseases such as colds or fortify our immune system.

We can assure that bees work with determination, for humanity, there is currently a campaign that helps to preserve them, because global warming has detractors effects on them, significantly decreasing their population on the planet, with extinction risk, if this happens, the effect will be devastating, because we will have lost the agent in charge of pollination in agriculture, and there will be no one to make our fields flourish.

Bee pollination in  flower

Honey is and always will be the sweetest natural element used by artisans of culinary and pharmaceutical art. It is preserved for years, without refrigeration, it will always be ready for consumption. Bees are wise, and their product, wonderful !.