
Origin of soap and its importance for the 

care of our skin

photo lavender soap in bar and liquid

 Nature could be considered (in commercial terms), the best product factory, with millions of years of experience and trial that provide us with results that man (another product of nature) will never be able to match.

 Soap is essentially the result of the chemical reaction between an alkali, usually sodium hydroxide (popularly called caustic soda) or potassium and some fatty acid (sebum or oil).

 There is no definitive answers about the origin of soap. According to historians, in the north of Europe the first soaps were made using animal fats and plant ashes.

 On the other hand, the Phoenicians realized it with olive oil and ashes of plants that grow in the salinas, like the salicornia. 

 But the chemical process of elaboration was basically the same: the oils and fats coming from several sources were put to boil with an alkaline caustic solution to obtain raw soap. This reaction is called saponification.

Aleppo soap

The oldest known is Aleppo soap. This soap, dating back more than 2,000 years, is still manufactured in the traditional way in the city that gives it its name, Aleppo located in the north of Syria.

 The first large European soap factory, which at that time was known as a "almona" (soap factory, soap factory or shop where soap is sold), was built by the Arabs at the end of the tenth century in Al Andalus, Seville. In the valley of the Guadalquivir, where there were large olive groves and marshes, the raw materials were obtained to make a soap that four centuries later would be known as Castilla soap.

 Also in America a soap factory or factory was built in the year 1575 and it was in Mexico City, made from a mineral rich in soda, called tequesquite and with various plants.

photo bar of soap with rosemary branch and candle

The best soaps are those that are made with glycerin and vegetable oils such as: olive oil, castor oil or coconut oil, in addition to alcohol and caustic soda. Are highly recommended for the care of the skin, due to its ability to easily absorb moisture from the air, managing to maintain hydration of the skin, Being this property  the one that makes it act eliminating the itching, flaking and dryness. This makes it the ideal soap for people who have skin allergies.

Some of these soaps, tend to be combined with essential oils, which provide their characteristic properties, thus, an optimal result for each one of our skin types.

Next we present to them the characteristics most emphasized from some of them:

Rosemary and Eucalyptus soap

Glycerin soap with essential oil of rosemary and eucalyptus

The Rosemary is very well known in the natural medicine as it serves as a basis for the manufacture of cosmetic products and its essential oil is in common use in aromatherapy.

Of the rosemary the leaves are used and sometimes the flowers. It is a plant very rich in active ingredients such as carnosic acid a natural antibiotic and potent antioxidant that protects the cells of the skin against the UVA radiation. It also possesses several phenolic acids among which stand out the rosmadial and the Rosmanol.

This grants it properties such as: antiseptic, stimulant, cicatrizant and astringent, so it is especially suitable for skins with a fat tendency and acne.

Its antioxidant properties help to combat aging of the skin and to regenerate it, so it is also suitable for treating skin conditions dermatitis and eczemas.

Its ability to stimulate circulation will significantly improve the appearance of the skin.

It strengthens the scalp avoiding the alopecia.

Its natural emollient properties will make you notice the skin smoother and firmer, without impurities and with an improved appearance.

The rosemary has an infinite amount of nutrients, minerals such as iron or calcium, which will help you to recover the main  functions that make to see the healthy skin, as are the elasticity and firmness.

branch with eucalyptus leaves
The eucalyptus is traditionally known as a natural medicine. Its antimicrobial action and antiseptic is highly recommended for infectious states of the skinActing of local tranquilizer when the itching states exist and eritemaor physical burns such as prolonged solar exposure,  in addition to acting on the solar and senile spots as well as residual pigmentations.

Among its main active principles is the cineole, of which the eucalyptus oil is obtained.

Lavender soap

photo glycerin and lavender soap

Lavender is a pillar in naturist cosmetics, there are several types of lavender, but it is the variety "Lavandula angustifolia", which possesses great qualities, among them are its essential oils, which give it its pharmacological activity. In the case of the skin, it acts as revitalising, accelerating the process of cellular regeneration, maintenance the firm tissue.

The contribution emollient and invigorating the lavender to soaps, makes them highly demanded in cosmetics, its relaxing action on our skin, and its fragrance transmit state of lax, and well-being to the body. Irrefutably is always used in the centers of beauty and Spa for massages and invigorating the skin, accompanied by aromatoterapia.

lavender branchSince ancient times, it has been used by Romans and Egyptians in the bath, not only for their medicinal properties, but also for its relaxing effect.

It should be noted that the smell of in its use, arrives to stimulate the terminations sensitive scattered throughout the sensory organ more broad of our body, the skin; in addition to give that soft aspect and clean, tones and relaxs our mind.

Soaps with Algae

Glycerin soap with essential oil and seaweed

The soaps with marine components are the star of natural cosmetics. In the sea there are all the basic principles for life, and its waters are the only ones that can match our plasma medium, rich in trace elements, high antimicrobial capacity and cicatrizant, nutritious and widely antioxidants, algae have in the current medicine the first place for their cosmetic application.

The soaps has the ability emollient and moisturising properties on our skin, but if joined their power with seaweed, gives high medicinal power and curative, regenerator antioxidant, with relief of states of irritation, dryness and itching, caused by inflammatory states and infectious of the skin.

Glycerin soap with essential oil and seaweed
The skin is one of the track so that the power of the marine elements, such as salts and algae (by be highly rich in minerals and trace elements), to penetrate all the torrent lymphatic and hematic, leaving the first benefits in herself, with moisturising and emollient effect, because you are dragging the impurities and leaves the clean environment for the proper absorption of of phyto nutrients.

Honey and Cinnamon Soap

We know that honey has the ability to give softness and firm texture to the skin, because of its high antioxidant and moisturizing content that facilitates lymphatic drainage by nature, but if we add the properties of cinnamon, then this type of soap , will give your skin the desired effect, with the exquisiteness of its aroma and natural fragrance they possess both, leaving a bright aspect and soft that permeates of vitality  in all our body.

Glycerin soap with cinnamon and honey essential oil

The effects on the skin of a honey and cinnamon soap is very pleasant, but also transmits feeling of general wellbeing and relax, being one of the most used soaps in traditional cosmetics, free of chemical residues, and irritants, gives our skin a special and unique touch.