Japanese loquat
Properties of the medlar and its nutritional composition
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Japanese medlar (Eryobotria japonica) |
There are two kinds of medlars: the European Nispero (Germanic Mespilus) and the Japanese Nispero (Eryobotria japonica), the latter, better known in the markets, has taken its common name from the European, and it is from this, to which we refer in this chance.
The medlar is low in sodium and high in potassium an essential component that helps control blood pressure and prevents heart attacks.
It contains a dietary fiber, such as pectin, which maintains moisture in the colon and functions as a natural laxative, which reduces blood cholesterol levels, as it reduces its reabsorption by the body.
The vitamin intake is scarce, highlighting the contribution in vitamin A, C and some of the vitamin B complex.
The contribution of vitamin A is due to its content of beta carotene, substances that, once ingested, are converted into vitamin A and give it its characteristic orange color.
These carotenoids that contribute are important to help maintain our sight and prevent their diseases.
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Illustration of properties and benefits of medlar |
properties of aloe
Benefits of Aloe and its different presentations in cosmetics and naturopathic medicine
The Egyptians used it to give beauty to their body. With the development of biotechnology and its application in medicine, has been able to explain the power regenerative, antimicrobial, antifungal and antioxidant.
There are numerous species of Aloe, but only some have medicinal properties. The most outstanding are: Aloe barbadensis (large leaf and flower yellow) and Aloe arborescens (with smaller sheet and the flowers of yellow color, red or orange), grows in the form of a shrub and can reach up to 4 meters of height. According to some studies, the species arborescens possesses the greatest concentration of active principles.
Rich in amino acids, trace elements, phytosterols, mucilage, and unsaturated fatty acids, so its antioxidant, cicatricial and repairing capacity of tissues, is widely demonstrated.
The sheet of Aloe Vera has an outer cover and a mass in the form of glass, slightly sticky to the touch. Between the gel and the crust of the foil are some filaments that contain a substance yellowish, of bitter taste and unpleasant smell, this substance is known as acibar (aloína).
It is recommended to use the processed aloe and free of this substance, because it can be toxic in high doses. Pharmacologically It is used as a laxative, but it is already processed and with the appropriate aloin content to avoid poisoning from high consumption.
It is recommended to use the processed aloe and free of this substance, because it can be toxic in high doses. Pharmacologically It is used as a laxative, but it is already processed and with the appropriate aloin content to avoid poisoning from high consumption.
Once processed the gel (the weight of the sheet), its use can be from: Freeze-dried powder, capsules, drops (tincture to dilute in water), creams, lotions, soaps, ointments, for purposes ranging from an application for sunburn, until post epilation or simply to moisturize or treat an insect bite.
From the general point of view, it has inflammatory character and antiseptic, therefore the use in ulcers and gastritis processes with great acceptance, due to the action of mucilage on the gastric mucosa, which prevents the proliferation of abacterium very frequent in upper gastrointestinal tract: Helicobacter Pylori.
Its effect cicatricial and repairer of the tissues, make this vegetable, product number one in herbalists, pharmacies, and naturist stores, where the range of presentation includes: lotions, creams and gels for sensitive skins.
Highly recommended to treat sunburn, acting as an astringent, emollient and moisturizing topical, even used in combination with antibiotics to potentiate the effects of the latter, and repair affected tissues with cicatricial delay in diabetics , and patients with affected microcirculation (decubitus ulcers, varicose ulcers, traumatic ulcers).
Highly recommended to treat sunburn, acting as an astringent, emollient and moisturizing topical, even used in combination with antibiotics to potentiate the effects of the latter, and repair affected tissues with cicatricial delay in diabetics , and patients with affected microcirculation (decubitus ulcers, varicose ulcers, traumatic ulcers).
Recommended to regularize the states of hyperglycemia and hypercholesterolemia, due to its content in fatty acids between them the lauric acid.
The great acceptance of Aloe Vera Barbadiense, is greater after its industrial process, ensuring a high content of pure, between 95% and 98%, optimizing their effects.
There is a tendency to homemade artisanal consumption, and therefore it is recommended to be careful with the substance that gives the bitter taste (the Acibar), irritant and toxic substances for the human organism.
We must emphasize that there are states invalidating for use by their effect potencializador diuretic and anticoagulant. So, those persons subject to these treatments, must not consume Aloe Vera or by mouth, or topically, given that, to be absorbed by the mantle dermatological, passes through the bloodstream and generating the same effect.
The current cosmetics industry combines it in facial masks, with essential oils for body massages, for stimulating irrigation, and antioxidant, in addition to its great astringent power throughout the dermatological stratum (evacuating follicle content ), leaving a hydrated skin and well restored the defensive barrier. Both in acne and in psoriasis, its antiinflammatory and regenerative action is evident, in addition to nourishing and hydrating, accelerates the process cicatricial and regenerates the collagen.
A peculiar presentation is the use of aloe in creams and protective lotions or solar filters, acting with double focus, which leads to a great demand in the current market, with superb acceptance and global marketing.
Raisin Noir
Properties of the black grape and its nutritional composition
Since the most remote times it is attributed to him great curative virtues, it is one of the first cultures made by the human being for its consumption.
There is a wide variety of grapes, but generally and according to their cultivation, they can be grouped into two types: Table grapes and grapes to make wines. In this article we will talk the black table grape and its properties.
Numerous studies on the skin (the skin of the grape berry is also known as the exocarp) and seeds of this variety of grapes, have demonstrated its enormous antioxidant effects, acting for example, on the stability of collagen and elastin among other properties, all due to into its wide variety of compounds Phenolic.
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In the black grapes abound various substances of recognized properties for the health, one of the most prominent is the Resveratrol (a potent antioxidant), that is found mainly in the skin and the seeds of this variety of grape, to protect itself of certain Pests.
Black grapes have more antioxidants than white or green grapes, due to their high content of anthocyanins, phenolic antioxidant compounds, more abundant in black grapes, which grant them its characteristic color.
Another substance to be highlighted is its potassium content, which helps us regulate the organism and the balance of the levels of liquids.
The high fiber content, together with its vitamins and minerals, is significantly higher than the content of the majority of fruits.
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Resveratrol: They are among the 9 essential amino acids, so called because they are the only ones that the body cannot manufacture on its own. Promotes the formation of muscle tissue, repairing action in fractures, bruises and wounds, prevents degeneration of the liver and gallbladder.
Arginine: It is an amino acid basic involved in many activities of the endocrine glands. It intervenes in the conservation of the balance of nitrogen and carbon dioxide. It also has a great importance in the production of growth hormone, directly involved in the growth of the tissues and muscles and in the maintenance and repair of the immune system and nervous system. Arginine is involved in the synthesis of creatine, polyamides and into RNA.
Tyrosine: It is a non-essential amino acid, fundamental and important for metabolism and for our state of mood, because it is a precursor of dopamine and adrenaline.
Alanine: It is a non-essential amino acid for the human being but it is of great importance. Used as a source of energy for the brain, nervous system and muscles.
Skin Types
Types of skin
The study of the characteristics of the skin in cosmetics is essential, because of each evaluation the appropriate cosmetic is determined for its use.
The appropriate classification for the use of a cosmetic should be based on the type of skin, the activity to be developed and the level of exposure to light. cosmetics carries a personal assessment of who will use it, as well as the relevant council for proper use and specific protection. Moisturize well from within our skin, and that receives the appropriate elements for the correct functioning, are the basis for this organ to work peak.
The use of moisturizing creams, lotions, bath salts, tonics, foams, and in short, all the wide variety of products in cosmetic terms, is very good from a topical point of view (as long as they are used clear, suitable products), helps to maintain The fresh, hydrated, luminous, and youthful appearance, but remember that the internal contribution of water, vitamins, trace elements, and a balanced diet, is the internal compensation that keeps the work of cosmetics, without it, the effect of it is very fleeting.
The current cosmetology, in full congruence with the dermatology, has defined four kinds of skin that frame well the characteristics of each one: normal skin, dry skin, oily skin and mixed skins.
Dermatologists define a sensitive type, such as the 5th variety of skin, within that category can exist the so-called atopic skin or sensitive skin as such.
Normal skin: It is the skin of texture and thickness suitable, fresh, luminous, well nourished, its fine pores, and maintains a suitable PH so that the normal flora can exert its work of defense as immune barrier, respond to the changes of temperature and humidity, maintaining the internal hydration balance, suitable contribution of nutrients and vitamins.
Dry Skin: It is a scaly skin, of dilated pores, with tendency to wrinkles especially in folds and in facie, desquamation, erythema, without shine, dry appearance or Xerótico. It is more pronounced in exposed places, but it manifests itself in all its extent.
It may be of a genetic nature but it is also associated with prolonged exposure to the cold, the sun, hormonal changes, and as a tendency for ingestion of drugs that cause dryness of the skin and mucous.
It may be of a genetic nature but it is also associated with prolonged exposure to the cold, the sun, hormonal changes, and as a tendency for ingestion of drugs that cause dryness of the skin and mucous.
It can be a manifestation of some dermatological process such as psoriasis, dermatitis or eczema.
Oily skin: Thick skin with dilated pores, acne tendency, with comedones, can be seborrheic or dehydrated, in the areas of hair follicle is where most manifests this trend, but its fatty appearance is general.
Mixed skin: There are aspects of both types of skins, the area of the facial center is generally of greasy aspect, the external side with a dry tendency on the face, generally, the folds are more fatty, and the exposed areas tend to be dry in appearance.
Sensitive skin: The subjective symptom of sensitive skin is given by a feeling of dryness, tightness, itching, burning, which is manifested by some disease (dermatitis is the most common), irritating cosmetics, also can be seen in atopic, but is a state that depends on the Exposure to sunlight, ethnicity, age, genetics, hydration and adequate protection, as well as, due to the application of cosmetics without the proper classification.
All this can be aggravated by the air conditioning, the temperature changes, the cold, the heat, the sun, and even the diet that we have by habit. Usually decreases with adulthood, is more typical in adolescents and young people.

To first make an adequate assessment of the type of skin we have, the conditions in which we spend most of our time, and the level of exposure to light, are key factors for a correct use of the proper cosmetics to our skin.
The properties of honey ingest
Its consumption has always been described as something natural and very beneficial for man. If we stop to reflect on its composition and properties, we see it:
Created by bees, using the pollen of various plants, with medicinal properties, honey is undoubtedly the art of combining wisdom with perseverance (for the effort they have to make), since they need at least a million trips of the bee, to achieve a kilo of honey.
The combination of different pollens and non-fermentation, make honey the natural product par excellence magical, because it has a thousand and one utilities.
Its main components are fructose and glucose, as well as vitamins, minerals, and trace elements, so it serves as food for man as a sweetener and as an energizer.
Properties in medicine are many, ranging from the use in the diet to balance the digestive system, as a laxative, to use as an antiseptic for gastric lesions of ulcerous prevents esophageal reflux, and stimulates intestinal peristalsis.
At the respiratory level, it has always been used as an expectorant and antiseptic: Who has not prepared a honey with lemon, for a cold ?, but also, the use as an antibiotic dates back centuries; before appearing the antimicrobial was used for this purpose, then replaced by them, to now re-use it, because we know that the human body has made resistance to them, but honey, with its properties, has not yet been tested resistance in the man against the bacteria, therefore it is used to cover wounds, ulcers, burns, and its absorption power is so wide, that the transudation of the skin disappears in the lesions.
En nuestro sistema de defensa actúa como un inmunomodulador natural, elevando la respuesta inmune de nuestro organismo. Además ayuda a elevar la concentración y mejora el estado de insomnio, así como, el estado anímico en general.
In our defense system it acts as a natural immunomodulator, raising the immune response of our body. It also helps increase concentration and improves the condition of insomnia, and the mood in general.
It is a diuretic par excellence, and its consumption can help us in menstrual regulation, as well as, helping to fix the calcium that is so necessary in its daily contribution, mainly in menopausal age, due to hormonal deficit, and in convalescent, post-surgical conditions
It has been encouraged that a spoonful of honey with cinnamon at breakfast is an alternative medicine that counteracts many diseases such as colds or fortify our immune system.
We can assure that bees work with determination, for humanity, there is currently a campaign that helps to preserve them, because global warming has detractors effects on them, significantly decreasing their population on the planet, with extinction risk, if this happens, the effect will be devastating, because we will have lost the agent in charge of pollination in agriculture, and there will be no one to make our fields flourish.
Honey is and always will be the sweetest natural element used by artisans of culinary and pharmaceutical art. It is preserved for years, without refrigeration, it will always be ready for consumption. Bees are wise, and their product, wonderful !.
The combination of different pollens and non-fermentation, make honey the natural product par excellence magical, because it has a thousand and one utilities.
At the respiratory level, it has always been used as an expectorant and antiseptic: Who has not prepared a honey with lemon, for a cold ?, but also, the use as an antibiotic dates back centuries; before appearing the antimicrobial was used for this purpose, then replaced by them, to now re-use it, because we know that the human body has made resistance to them, but honey, with its properties, has not yet been tested resistance in the man against the bacteria, therefore it is used to cover wounds, ulcers, burns, and its absorption power is so wide, that the transudation of the skin disappears in the lesions.
It has been encouraged that a spoonful of honey with cinnamon at breakfast is an alternative medicine that counteracts many diseases such as colds or fortify our immune system.
Chemical composition of tangerine and its benefits for our organism
Tangerine is the fruit of the different citrus species commonly called Mandarin.
Its small size, more aromatic and sweet flavor, its low degree of acidity, as well as the ease of removing the skin, make it one of the most popular fruits.
Among the different varieties of this fruit stand out: clementines, hybrids and satsumas:
Satsuma: originating in Japan, it is the most resistant to cold. Orange-yellow in color, the rind is thick and rough, and the pulp has a milder flavor.
Clementine: Actually it is not a tangerine, but a hybrid between tangerine and bitter orange, they are sweeter and have no seeds. They have thin skin and less glued to the flesh and are winter fruit.
Mandarino hybrids: This group includes a great variety since they are the fruits of the cross between species. Among the most popular varieties are: Clemenvilla or Nova, Garbí, Encore, Moncada, Fortune or Tango.
To take better advantage of the properties of mandarin, it is better to consume it whole instead of taking it as a juice, since when you squeeze it, you lose a significant amount of fiber.
Glutamic acid: It is one of the most abundant amino acids in the body and the most common neurotransmitter in the central nervous system, mediated by the stimulation of specific receptors called glutamate receptors. It helps the production of hydrochloric acid, controls the levels of ammonia in the brain. Involved specifically in the use of glucose by brain cells.
Arginine: It is an essential amino acid involved in many activities of the endocrine glands.
It is involved in the synthesis of creatine and nitric oxide precursor, which has vasodilator functions, improving blood circulation, and increasing irrigation throughout our body, which in turn helps to better heal wounds.
Reduce the levels of body fat and facilitate the recovery of athletes thanks to the effects it has to remove ammonia (muscle waste resulting from anaerobic exercise) of the muscles.
Tyrosine: It is a fundamental and important for metabolism nonessential amino acid and to our mood as it is a precursor of dopamine and adrenaline.
It is involved in the synthesis of creatine and nitric oxide precursor, which has vasodilator functions, improving blood circulation, and increasing irrigation throughout our body, which in turn helps to better heal wounds.
Reduce the levels of body fat and facilitate the recovery of athletes thanks to the effects it has to remove ammonia (muscle waste resulting from anaerobic exercise) of the muscles.
Tyrosine: It is a fundamental and important for metabolism nonessential amino acid and to our mood as it is a precursor of dopamine and adrenaline.
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